Polin : a journal of Polish-Jewish studies

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BID SBNLO10553117
Sottotitoloa journal of Polish-Jewish studies
luogo pubblicazioneVol. 1-
descrizione fisicaOxford:Basil Blackwell for the Institute for Polish-Jewish studies, 1986-. v.;24 cm
descrizione fisicaPolin
dimensioni24 cm
note editorialiAnnuale. - Il sottotitolo varia: studies in Polish Jewry. - L'edit. varia: London [etc.!: published for the Institute for Polish-Jewish studies andthe American association for Polish-Jewish studies [by! the Littman library of Jewish civilization.
resposabilit� secondaria

Institute for Polish-*Jewish studies


Jewish prayer halls and synagogues in Vilna, 1914-1920

'A close but very suspicious and dangerous neighbour' : outbreaks of anti semitism in inter-war Lithuania

Soviet Resistance and jewish partisans in Lithuania

'Each for his own' : economic nationalism in Lódź, 1864-1914

Feliks Perl on the Jewish question

Jewish education in Eastern Europe. -


A Bibliography of Polish Jewish Studies 1995

Bibliography of Polish-Jewish Studies 1993

Bibliography of Polish-Jewish Studies 1994.

A Debate about Antisemitism in Poland Today

Dimensions of a Triangle : Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Austrian Galicia

Jewish Women in Eastern Europe

Marian Malowist on History and Historians

Polish-Jewish Relations in North America

A Selection from Part I of Lev Levanda's Seething Times

The Shtetl : Myth and Reality

The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Massacre in Jedwabne : Two Speeches Delivered in Jedwabne, 10 July 2001

The Sixty-Fifth Anniversary of Events in Przytyk : A Debate

Wladyslaw Szpilman 1911-2000

Jews in Krakow

Between state loyalty and national identity : electoral behaviour in inter-war Poland

Ukrainian-Jewish relations : a twenty-five-year perspective

The kingdom of Poland and her Jews

Overcoming the Sign of the "other": visual aspects of the acculturation of jews in the Kingdom of Poland in the Nineteenth Century

Reform and exclusion: conceptions of the Reform of the jewish community during the declining years of the polish Enlightenment

The ideological roots of the Polish jewish intelligentsia

S.A. An-Sky - Dialogic Writer

Between Judaism and the West: the making of a modern jewish poet in Uri Zvi Greenberg's 'Memoirs (from the Book of Wanderings)'

Failed integration : Jews and the beginning of the Communist movement in Poland

Rites of Violence? : the pogroms of summer 1941

Changing images of"the Jews" in polish literature and culture 1980-2000

Ogee arcades in the Synagogue architecture of Volhynia and Podolia in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

The attitude of american jews and american diplomacy towards the bill banning shehitah in Poland in the second half of the 1930s

Imagining polish jews : British perspectives in the Period 1944-1946

'The hanging of Judas' or, contemporary jewish topics

1968; or, America| America|

"*Campo di Fiori" fifty years later : the people who remain : a discussion that took place on the fiftieth anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising

Lithuanian Jewry and the concept of East European Jewry

Economic relations between jewish traders and christian farmers in the nineteenth-century Lithuanian provinces

Lithuanian antisemitism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Walking a thin line : the successes and failure of socialist zionism in Lithuania

Jewish converts in independent Lithuania, 1918-1940 : an attempt at a case analysis

The Bund in Vilna, 1918-1939

The Lithuanian-language jewish periodicals Musu garsas (1924-1940) and Apzavalga (1935-1940) : a sociolinguistic evolution

'Listen, the Jews are ruling us now' : antisemitism and national conflict during the first Soviet occupation of Lithuania, 1940-1941

The first Jews of Ukraine

The Jews of Lviv and the City Council in the early Modern period

Christian anti-judaism and Jewish-Orthodox relations among the Eastern Slavs up to 1569

Jews, Orthodox, and Uniates in the Ruthenian Lands

Jews in Russian travel narratives of the early nineteenth century

Between nation and class : Nataliya Kobrynska's Jewish characters

The Jewish formations of Western Ukraine in the Civil War

Jewish themes in Volodymyr Vynnychenko's writing

The 'Jewish question' in the Ukrainian nationalist discourse of the inter-war period

Braking taboos : the Holodomor and the Holocaust in Ukrainian-Jewish relations

The Ukrainian Nationalist Movement and the Jews : theoretical reflections on nationalism, fascism, rationality, primordialism and history

The Ukrainian Free University and the Jews

Imported violence: Carpatho-Ruthenians and Jews in Carpatho-Ukraine, October 1938-March 1939

Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky and the Holocaust

We did not recognize our country: the rise of antisemitism in Ukraine before and after the Second World War 1937-1947

Yiddish : identity and language politics in the post-Soviet Ukrainian Jewish Community

The vagaries of British compassion : Britons, Poles, and Jews after the First World War

The merry-go-round on Krasinski square : did the 'happy throngs laugh'? : The debate regarding the attitude of Warsaw's inhabitants towards the ghetto uprising

Yiddish: identity and language politics in the post-Soviet Ukrainian Jewish community

'A city not forgotten: memories of Jewish Lwow and the Holocaust': An exhibition at the Galicia Jewish Museum, Krakow, June 2010-January 2011

Personal accounts of the war by Polish writers in occupied Warsaw: the case of Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz

Heroes, hucksters and storytellers : a new history of the Jewish Military Union (ZZW) in the Warsaw ghetto

Jews in the discourses of the Polish enlightenment

The anti-favus campaign in Poland : Jewish social medicin

The Jews in the duchy of Warsaw : the question of equal rights in administrative theory and practive

'English missionaries' look at Polish Jews : the value and limitations of missionary reports as source material

'Languishing from a distance' : Louis Meyer and the demise of the German Jewish ideal

The attitude of the Jews towards Poland's independence

Anti-Jewish pogroms in the kingdom of Poland

Theology in translation : progressive Judaism in the kingdom of Poland

Who has not wanted to be an editor? : the Yiddish press in the kingdom of Poland, 1905-1914

Jews in the kingdom of Poland, 1861-1914 : change and continuities

Yiddish language rights in congress Poland during the First World War : the social implications of linguistic recognition

Wladyslaw Raczkiewicz and Jewish issues

Afetr Zlote zniwa : an attempt to assess the social impact of the book

Righteousness and evil : Jedwabne in the Polish theatre

From Brzezany to Afula : a child's journey from pre-war Poland to Israel in the 1950's : a conversation with Shimon Redlich

Constructing the shrine of our peopleʼs history : Hatsefirah and the historiography of Polish Jewry

Building a fragile edifice : a history of Russian Jewish historical institutions, 1860-1914

Dubnowʼs Wayward son : Israel sosis and the legacy of Russian Jewish historiography

The historiography of the Bund

Scholars of Jewish origin in the community of historians in Lwow, 1918- 1939

Object lessons: art collection and display as historical practice in inter-war Lwow

Broken traditions? : Jewish presence on the city councils of Krakow, Poznan, and Warsaw, 1919-1939

Female, Jewish, educated and writing Polish Jewish history

Jewish historiography of the Holocaust in Eastern Europe

Conversion in the work of Jakub Goldberg

Denying tradition : academic historiography on jewish orthodoxy in Eastern Europe

Out of the ghetto? : Historiography on Jewish women in Eastern Europe

Problems in the study of Russian Jewish literature

The polin museum of the history of Polish Jews in Warsaw : a new approach to the history of the Jews in the Polish lands

In search of lost times and places : Simon Rawidowicz reflects on his formative years in Grajewo and Białystok

What happened to Tarnów's Jews?

Clothes make the man : A photo essay on Russian Jewish school uniforms

Between a love of Poland, symbolic violence, and antisemitism : The idiosyncratic effects of the state education system on young jews in interwar Poland

Jewish youth movements in Poland between the wars as heirs of the Kehilah

A revolution in the name of tradition : orthodoxy and Torah study for girls

'The children ceased to be children' : Day-Care Centres at refugee shelters in the Warsaw Ghetto

The survival of Yidishkeyt : the impact of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee on Jewish education in Poland 1945-1989

Everyday life and the Shtetl : a historiography

Economic struggle or antisemitism?

Gender perspectives on the rescue of jews in Poland : preliminary observations

Julian Tuwim's strategy for survival as Polish Jewish Poet

A Church report from Poland for June and half of July 1941

The Anti-Zionist Campaign in Poland of 1967-1968 : Documents

The Ashkenazi Elite at the Beginning of the Modern Era : Manuscript versus Printed Book

Auschwitz and the Politics of Martyrdom and Memory, 1945-1947

The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum : From Commemoration to Education

The Badkhn in Contemporary Hasidic Society : Social, Historical, and Musical Observations

The Ban on Polygamy in Polish Rabbinic Thought

Bernard Singer, the Forgotten "Most Popular Jewish Reporter of the Inter-War Years in Poland"

Between Poland and Germany : Jewish Religious Practices in Illustrated Postcards of the Early Twentieth Century

The Black Book of Lithuanian Jewry

Blood and the Hasidim. On the History of Ritual Murder Accusations in the Nineteenth-Century Poland

Boleslaw Prus and the Dreyfus Case

The Bund and the Jewish Fraction of the Polish Workers' Party in Poland after 1945

The Bund in Poland, 1935-1939

The Central Jewish Historical Commission in Poland 1944-1947

Christian Servants Employed by Jews in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

Conflict between Poles and Jews in Chicago 1900-1930

The Congregation of the Great Synagogue in Warsaw : Its Changing Social Composition and Ideological Affiliations

Conspiracy Theories and the Reception of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Poland

Constructing Collective Memory. The Re-envisioning of Eastern Europe as Seen Through American Jewish Textbooks

Contentious History. A Survey on Perceptions of Polish-Jewish Relations during the Holocaust

The Day after the Pogrom : A Documentary Account [siedlce]

The Demography of Jews in Hiding in Warsaw, 1943-1945

Dialogue or Monologue? The Relationship between Jewish and Polish Journalists in Warsaw at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Dimensions of a Triangle : Polish-Ukrainian-Jewish Relations in Austrian Galicia

Dos Yidishe Bukh Alarmit! Towards History ofYiddish Reading in Inter -War Poland

Dov of Bolechow : A Diarist of the Council of Four Lands in the Eighteenth Century

Early Recordings of Jewish Music in Poland

Early Swedish Information about the Nazis' Mass Murder of the Jews

Enlightenment, Assimilation, and Modern Identity : The Jewish Elite in Galicia

The Evacuation of Jewish Polish Citizens from Portugal to Jamaica 1941-1943

Exploiting Tradition : Religious Iconography in Cartoons of the Polish Yiddish Press

The Fate of a Yiddish Poet in Communist Eastern Europe. Naftali Herts Kon in Poland 1959-1965

Feminism and Fiction : Khane Blankshteyn's Role in Inter-War Vilna

A Fish Breaks through the Net : Sven Norrman and the Holocaust

" For the Human Soul is the Lamp of the Lord" : The Tkhine for "Laying Wicks" by Sarah bas Tovim

Forbidden Fruit : Illicit Love Affairs between Jews and Gentiles in the Novels of Julian Stryjkowski

From Auschwitz to Jerusalem. Re-enacting Jewish History on the March of the Living

From Madagaskar to Sachsenhausen : Singing about 'Race' in Nazi Camp

From Silence to Recognition. The Holocaust in Polish Education since 1989

Gates of Heaven

Gender, Zionism, and Orthodoxy. The Women of the Mizrahi Movement in Poland, 1916-1939

The Gesiowka Story : A Little-Known Page of Jewish Resistance

Gomulka Writes to Stalin in 1948

Hasidic Yeshivot in Inter-War Poland

The Hate Campaign of March 1968. How did it Become Anti-Jewish?

History, Drama, and Healing On the Television Play "A i B" by Harvey Sarner

Holocaust Memorialization in Ukraine

Hugo Grotius and the Blood Libel, 1636

The Image of the Holocaust in Polish Historical Consciousness

Imagining the Image : Interpretations of the Shtetl in Yiddish Literary Criticism

In Praise of the Ba'al Shem Tov : A User's Guide to the Editions of "Shivhei haBesht"

In Pre-War Poland. The Badkhn : from Wedding Stage to Writing Desk

Inside, Outside : Interpreting Jewish Difference

Introducing Miss Judaea 1929. The Politics of Beauty, Race, and Zionism in Inter-war Poland

Introduction : The Jews of Galicia under the Habsburgs

Jedwabne and Wizna. Monuments and Memory in the Lomza Region

The Jedwabne Debate in America

Jewish Art and Architecture in the East European Context : The Gwozdziec-Chodorow Group of Wooden Synagogues

Jewish Autonomy in Inter-War Lithuania : An Interview with Yudl Mark

Jewish Collaborators on Trial in Poland, 1944-1956

The Jewish Community in the Grand Duchy of Poznan under Prussian Rule, 1815-1848

Jewish Identities in the Holocaust : Martyrdom as a Representative Category

Jewish Marriage in Eighteenth-Century Poland

Jewish Prisoner Labour in Warsaw after the Ghetto Uprising, 1943-1944

The Jewish Problem and Polish Socialism

The Jewish Question in Galicia : The Reforms of Maria Theresa and Joseph II, 1772-1790

Jewish Rights of Residence in Cieszyn Silesia, 1742-1848

A Jewish Russifier in Despair : Lev Levanda's Polish Question

Jewish Settlement in the Polish Commonwealth in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century

Jewish Socialists in the Kingdom of Poland

Jewish Theatre in Poland

Jewish Theatre in Poland before the Second World War : Its Audiences and its Critics

The Jewish Underground and the Polish Underground

Jewish War Cemeteries in Western Galicia

Jewish Writers in Polish Literature

Jewish-Polish Relations and the Lithuanian Authorities in Vilna 1939-1940

Jewish-Ukrainian Relations in Inter-War Poland as Reflected in Some Urkainian Publications

Jews and the Russian Revolution : A Note

Jews in the Polish Security Apparatus : An Attempt to Test the Stereotype

The Jews of Vilna under Soviet Rule, 19 September-28 October 1939

The Jews, the Left, and the State. Duma Elections in Warsaw in 1912 : Selected Sources

1968. Jews, Antisemitism, Emigration

A. Litvin : Chronicler of Jewish Souls

Abraham Joshua Heschel in Poland : Hasidism Enters Modernity

The Accusation of Ritual Murder in Poland, 1500-1800

Anti-Jewish Violence in Poland, 1918-1939 and 1945-1947

Antisemitism in Poland in 1956

Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz on Polish Jewry

Knowledge of Foreign Languages among Eighteenth-Century Polish Jews

The Kraków Jewish Culture Festival

Krzysztof Kamil Baczynski : A Poet-Hero

The Lasrt Controversy over Ritual Murder? The Debate over the Paintings in Sandomierz Cathedral

Lodz Remained Red : Elections to the City Council of 27 September 1936

The Lost Generation : Education and Female Conversion in Fin-de-Siècle Krakov

Ludwik Rajchman : A Biographical Sketch of a Polish Jew

Making a Space for Antisemitism : the Catholic Hierarchy and the Jews in the Early Twentieth Century

" Mayufes" : A Window on Polish-Jewish Relations

Memento Mori. Photographs from the Grave

Metropolitan Sheptynsky. A Reassessment

Mordechai Gebirtig : The Folk Song and the Cabaret song

The National Polish American-Jewish American Council. A Short History

The Nazi Murder of the Jews in Polish Eyes. Views in the Undergroud Press, 1942-1945

New Sources on the History of the Old Town Synagogue in Lódz

On the History of the Jews in Twelfth-and Thirteenth-Century Poland

Paper Epitaphs of a Holocaust Memorial : Zofia Nalkowska's Medallions

Papers for the Folk : Jewish Nationalism and the Birth of the Yiddish Press in Galicia

The Pogrom in Kielce on 4 July 1946

Pogrom? The Polish-Jewish Incidents in Przytyk, 9 March 1936

Poles and Jews in the Kielce Region and Radom, April 1945-February 1946

Poles in the German Local Police in Eastern Poland and their Role in the Holocaust

The Policies of the Sanacja on the Jewish Minority in Silesia, 1926-1939

Polish Influences on British Policy Regarding Jewish Rescue Efforts in Poland 1939-1945

Polish Jews during and after the Kielce Pogrom : Reports from the Communist Archives

Polish 'Neighbours' and German Invaders : Anti-Jewish Violence in the Bialystok District during the Opening Weeks of Operation Barbarossa

The Polish Plan for a Jewish Settlement in Madagascar 1936-1939

The Polish Underground and the Extermination of the Jews

The Progressive Synagogue in Lwów

Psychological Problems of Polish Jews who Used Aryan Documents

A Question of Identity. Polish Jewish Composers in California

The Rabbinical Schools as Institutions of Socialization in Tsarist Russia, 1847-1873

Rachel Auerbach, Yad Vashem, and Israeli Holocaust Memory

The Relation of the Polish Socialist Party : Proletariat to the Bund and the Jewish Question, 1900-1906

Rememberance of Things Past : Klezmer Musicians of Galicia, 1870-1940

Repopulating Jewish Poland -- in Wood

The Report of the Instytut Pamieci Narodowej on the Massacres in North-Eastern Poland in Summer 1941

Resistance through Education : Polish Zionist Youth Movements in Warsaw, 1939-1941

The Return of the Troublesome Bird : Jerzy Kosinski and Polish-Jewish Relations

The Rubinowski Family. Converts in Kazimierz

The Second Competition of Scholarly Works on Polish Jewish Themes

The Self-Perception of Lithuanian-Belarusian Jewry in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

Shmerke Kaczerginski : the Partisan-Troubadour

Shtetl Coders : Fantasy in the Fiction of Asch, Schultz, and I. B. Singer

Shund and the Tabloids : Jewish Popular Reading in Inter-War Poland

Simkhe plakhte : From 'Folklore' to Literary Artefact

Sin of Youth, Guilt of a Grandmother : M.L. Lilienblum, Pauline Wengeroff and the Telling of Jewish Modernity in Eastern Europe

So Many Questions. The Development of Holocaust Education in Post- Communist Poland

Some Remarks on Leszek Hondo's Study of the Old Jewish Cemetery in Kraków

Stereotypes of Polish-Jewish Relations after the War : The Special Commission of the Central Committee of Polish Jews

The Struggle over Images in the Propaganda of the Frankist Movement

The Synagogues of Lódz

The Synagogues of Poznan

The Tarler rebbe of Lódz and his Medical Practice : Towards a History of Hasidic Life in Pre-First World War Poland

" That Incredible History of the Polish Bund Written in a Soviet Prison" : The NKVD Files on Henryk Erlich and Wiktor Alter

Three American Jewish Writers Imagine Eastern Europe

Three Documents on Anti-Jewish Violence in the Eastern Kresy during the Polish-Soviet Conflict

Three Essays on Jewish Education during the Nazi Occupation

'The Time of vishniac' : Photographs of Pre-War East Europea Jewry in Post-War Contexts

Transmigrations : Wolf Krakowski's Yiddish Worldbeat in its Socio-musical Context

Tsevorfene bleter : The Emergence of Yung Vilne

A Tuml in the Shtetl : Khayim Betsalel Grinberg's Di Khevre-Kedishe Sude

Two Coffins on Smocza Street and Sliska Street

Urke Nachalnik : A Voice from the Underworld

The Vatican Documents and the Holocaust : A Personal Report

The Vilna Years of Jakub Rotbaum

Walls and Frontiers : Polish Cinema's Portrayal of Polish-Jewish Relations

What Story to Tell? Shaping the Narrative of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Whose Nation, Whose State? Working-Class Nationalism and Antisemitism in Poland, 1945-1947

The Work and Recommendations of the Polish-Israeli Textbooks Committee

Yiddish as an Expression af Jewish Cultural Identity in Galicia and Vienna

The Zhitomir Rabbinical School : New Materials and Perspectives

Zionist Pioneering Youth Movements in Poland and their Attitude to Erets Israel during the Holocaust

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