Rabbi Nathan Adler and the formulation of the chief rabbinate in Britain 1845-1890 Abraham Joshua Heschel Symposium Interfaith Dialogue Jewish Libraries in Europe Jewish Schools and Learning Jewish-Christian-Muslim Student Conferences : Selected Papers 2005-2007 The Ladino Novel Leo Baeck College - Centre for Jewish Education at Fifty Reading Leviticus German refugee rabbis in the United States The struggle for the preservation of a german-jewish legacy : the foundation of the Leo Baeck institute in New York Brandeis university at the beginning : judaic studies The Jews of Cornwall revisited Use and abuse of religious language : a Christian view Positions of Jewish leadership : sources of authority and power Religions and civil society : a Jewish perspective Growing up religiously in a changing world At least : a jewish museum in Denmark Balance in the Ecosphere : a Perspective Black hats and holy tongues : language and culture among british haredim Books for the masses : the Amsterdam yiddish book industry, 1650-1800 Bruno Schulz's Literary Adoptees. Jewiness and Literary Father-child Relationships in Cynthia Ozick's and David Grossmann's Fiction The Changing Face of the Jewish Family Claude Montefiore and Liberal Judaism Coming home : Changing Concepts of Citizenship in Postwar and Reunited Germany Commemoration and creativity. Remembering the Holocaust in Today's Yiddish song Composition as Spiritual Practice : Mind and Spirit in the Work of Arnold Schoenberg The Concept of philosophy in the sixteenth century. Leone Ebreo and the italian renaissance Le Coup de Sirocco : the Sephardi Presence in Contemporary France The Detective Novel in Ladino : Clues to a Little Known Genre The Dilemma of Primo Levi. Biographical Roots The Discovery of Fräulein Rabbiner Regina Jonas : Making Sense of our Inheritance Dr. Ernst Leitz II of Wetzlar and the People he Helped during the Shoah : Research in Progress Einstein's Children : Chapters in the History of the European Union of Jewish Students The Emergence of the Ladino Press : The First Attempt at Westernization of Ottoman Jews (1842-1846) Exile and Literature. The Transmission of Holocaust Traumata : A Discussion of Anita Brookner's Novel "Latecomers" Existential Anxiety from a Personal Perspective The face of Janus : The Historian Selma Stern (1890-1981) and Her Portrait of the Court Jew The Family Therapy Approach : Its Relevance to Work With Congregations Fifty Years of th Jewish Quarterly Freedom and Responsibility From Bible to Berlin (Irving). The message of Jewish popular song From Final Depository to Memorial. The History and Significance of the Jewish Museum in Prague The Guide of the Perplexed Hannah Arendt - Thinking in Circles Heschel in the Context of Modern Jewish Religious Thought The Holocaust and its Aftermath : How Have the Survivors Fared During the Last Fifty Years? Holy people, holy place. Images of the Synagogue and its leadership in progressive judaism Identity Structures of Religious Jews in Post-War Germany The Impact of Women in the Rabbinate "In the Midst of Many Peoples" : Some Nineteenth-Century Jewish Composers and Their Jewishness Interreligious Dialogue in Conflict Situations Is Jewish Identity a Matter of Choice? The Case of Young Jews in Contemporary Poland Islamophobia and antisemitism Israel Abrahams : Master Teacher of Liberal Judaism Israel and the Holocaust Trauma Israel in Poland : A Forgotten Moment in Postwar History Issues Surrounding the Development of the Neo-Nazi Scene in East Berlin Italy, Great Britain and Jewish Identity : A Personal Comment on Primo Levi The Jewish Cemetery of Salonika in the Crossroads of Urban Modernisation and Anti-Semitism The Jewish Family of the 1990S : Trends and Challenges Jewish Heritage in France : Evaluation of Twenty Years Work and Protection The Jewish Historical Museum, Belgrade The Jewish Intellectual in France : Durkheim and Mauss The Jewish Mother : Is That Why so Many of us Become Counsellors The Jewish Museum in Prague during the Second World War The Jewish Museum of Greece : Brief description, mission, issues and programmes The Jewish Museum of Switzerland The Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki : Museo Djidio di Salonik Jewish museums : from jewish icons to jewish narratives Jewish sacred music by Israeli Composers Jewish Studies in the New Germany Reconsidered. A View from Within A Jewish Woman Leader of the Renaissance Jodenhoeks : the Amsterdam Jewish Dialect and its Influence upon the Dutch Language Ageing Patients, Psychotherapists and Holocaust Survivors And Till the Ghastly Tale is Told : Sarah Kofman - Primo Levi: Survivors of the Shoah and the Dangers of Testimony Anti-semitism in Therapists and Patients A Journey with the yiddish textbook Judeo-Spanish Theatre Judezmo : The Jewish Language of the Ottoman Sephardim Justice and Power : A Jewish Perspective Language Usage in Anglo-Sephardi Jewry : an Historical Overview of Spanish, Portuguese and Judeo-Spanish in England from the Expulsion to the Present Day The Library of the Israelitische Cultusgemeinde Zürich (ICZ) London's "Haredi" Periodicals in Yiddish : Language, Literature and Ultra-Orthodox Ideology Mapping Dialogue between Jewish and Muslim Communities in Europe Martin Buber from the perspective of Gershom Scholem Migration in the Twentieth-Century Sephardic Songs Repertoire [spartiti] A Minority within a Minority : Reflections on Sephardi Identity Mokum is home : Amsterdam's Jewish Historical Museum Moses Ben Abraham Avinu and His Printing-Presses Moses Benjamin Wulff - Court Jew Musa Ibn Maymun and the Arab-Islamic Education Muslim Lands, Christian Heroes, Jewish Voices : the Judeo-Spanish Ballad Tradition of Marocco Negating Diaspora Negation : Children's Literature in Jewish Palestine during the Holocaust Years Neglected Memory : The Recollection of Jews among Poles: A Case Study of a Town in Southern Poland Neo-Nazism, Holocaust Denial and UK Law A New Portrait of Early Seventeenth Century, Century Polish Jewry in an Unknown Eastern-Yiddish Remedy Book A Noachide Profile [Aimé Pallière] The Obligations of the Chosen : Jewish Museums in a Politically Correct World On the rise of the house of Rothschild and the death of Anne Frank : the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt Ontology or Bureaucracy? Hannah Arendt's Early Interpretations of the Holocaust The Other and the Ordinary : Demystifying and Demusealising the Jew The Ottoman Press at the Dawn of the Twentieth Century Through the Salonica Newspapers La Época and El Avenir Pius XII and the jews. The clash between history and theology Polin : Our Goals and Achievements. Jews in Publishing Presenting Judaism : jewish museums in Britain Progressive Judaism beyond the Shoah Progressive Judaism Fifty Years After the Holocaust Psychosocial Explorations of the Jewish Community's Sensitivity to Criticism Psychotherapy and the 'Jewish Experience' Psychotherapy and the Spiritual Quest Rabbinic Readings of Ruth The Reason of War : Reason Beyond Reason? Emmanuel Lévinas Reading of "Bava Qamma 60A-60B The Relationship of Edmond Fleg and André Neher Representations of the Shoah in Picture Books for Young Children : An Intercultural Comparison Restoring the Ordinary.An Inquire into the Jewish Covenant at the End of Auschwitz Returning : Jewish Life in Antwerp in the Aftermath of the Second World War (1944-45) Russian Jews in Today's Germany : End of the Journey? Salomone Rossi, judaism and the musical canon The Scapegoat Transference : The Holocaust and the Collective Unconscious: Themes and Images Revealed in Art Therapy Sephardic Songs of Mourning and Dirges The Sephardic Voice of Elias Canetti The Shaping of Society. Liberation and Redemption : their Meaning Today The Shtetl in New York : The Poet Malka Lee Singing in Yiddish about London : 1880-1940 Spinoza : Spinoza's reputation past and present The State of Ladino today Stone Synagogues of the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Centuries in the Ukraine and Byelorussia The Tale of the Murdered Shtetl : The Image of the Shtetl in Yiddish Literature in Post-war Poland To Remember and to Forget : Jerusalem in Jewish Poetical Memory Truth and Fiction : The Holocaust on Stage and Screen Two Sixteenth-Century Ladino Prayer Books for Women The Urgency of a Jewish Response in the Interreligious Dialogue The Visión deleitable under the Scrutiny of the Spanish Inquisition : New Insights on Converso Literature The Voices of Ruth and naomi. Cultural transformation through librettos and music Western Jewish Perceptions of Russian Jews at the Beginning of the First World War What Was the Role of the Wannsee Conference in the Final Solution? Wolf Biermann : the Minnesinger-Prophet of Germany The Woman and the Jew : Sex and Modernity Women Question Their Tradition : Are We Prisoners of Our History? Yiddish Folk Music as a Marker of Identity in Post-War Germany Yiddish Tango : A Musical Genre? Yiddish : The Perils and Joys of Translation The Yugoslav Experiment in Secular Jewishness |