Fascist jews and fascism in Italy, 1922-1938 (in ebraico)
The Polemic on the Kabbalah Conducted by Yemenite Scholars at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century (in ebraico)
European Jews and Jewish europeans between the two world wars
Due documenti sugli ebrei a Nizza, alla fine del 18. secolo
Nomina di "Deputati alla Santita" a Cremona nell'anno 1575, e la disputa tra R. Eliezer Ashkenazi e R. Avraham Menakhem Porto Haccohen
Gli ebrei veneti nelle inchieste austriache della restaurazione
I da Spira avi dei tipografi soncino e la loro attivita nel Veneto e in Lombardia durante il secolo 15.
Les communautes italiennes et le consistoire central 1808-1815 : un inventaire de leur correspondence
Il mondo ebraico nel carteggio di Carlo Borromeo
Tredici giorni nella casa dei Conversi : dal diario di una giovane ebrea del 18 secolo
Documenti sulla storia degli ebrei a Perugia nei secoli 13. e 14.
Note e documenti per la storia dei marrani e giudaizzanti nel Veneto del seicento
Notizie sul movimento di Shabbetai Zevi tratte dagli appunti di R. Biniamin Haccohen e R. Avraham Rovigo
La polemica di Bernardinus di Busti contro gli ebrei ed il Talmud
Frammento dal "Registro" della comunita ebraica di Cremona
R. Jehuda Messer Leon e la sua attivita come medico
The Attitude of the Karaite, Yefet Ben Eli, to Islam in Light of his Interpretation of Psalms 14 and 53 ( in ebraico)
Between acceptance and rejection : jews and germans in Ostfriesland, 1871-1932 (in ebraico)
Between anti-fascism and judaism : an interview with Vittorio Foa, February 5, 2000 (in ebraico)
Between "Center" and "East" - On the unique path of jewish emancipation in Hungary (in ebraico)
Black Antisemitism on Campus : Political Opportunism and Academic Betrayal
The Blaustein Ben-Gurion Understanding of 1950
Collective Memories and Group Boundaries : The Judeo-Spanish Diaspora between the Lands of Christendom and the World of Islam
The Dreyfus Affair in the Arab Press (in ebraico)
From Anti-Zionist to Champion of Israel : the Metamorphosis of Reform Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld
From uniformity to diversity : Jews in the history of the german middle class. (in ebraico)
The History of the Hasmonean Period in the Judeo-Arabic Literature of the Middle Ages (in ebraico)
The Industrial Removal Office and the Dispersal of Eastern European Jewish Immigrants in the United States, 1901-1922
Isaiah Berlin - Between assimilation and judaism (in ebraico)
Jewish American Identity : the Views of Horace Kallen and Will Herberg
Jewish leaders, strategic planning, and the international arena after the First World War (in ebraico)
The Jewish Leadership in the First Half of the Eleventh Century (in ebraico)
Jewish nationalism and libertarian socialism in the writings of Bernard Lazare
Jewish Women, Jewish Men and the Creating of Gendered Space in America
Marriage and Divorce in the Jewish Society of Istanbul in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries (in ebraico)
Past images, cultural codes, and spain's attitude towards the jews in the interwar period (in ebraico)
Politics and history : Emanuel Ringelblum and the Oneg Shabes archive
Regulations concerning jewish rappresentation in the elected istitutions of Congress Poland during World War I (in ebraico)
Sephardi Culture of the 'Cairo Genizah People' (Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries)
The Sicilian Trade - Jewish Merchants in the Mediterranean in the twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries (in ebraico)
The State of Israel and Moroccan Jewry in Moroccan Politics : 1955-1960 (in ebraico)
The Status and Image of the Piccioto Family as Perceived by Aleppo's French Colony (1784-1850) (in ebraico)
Synagogue Imperialism in New York City : the Case of Congregation Kehal Adath Jeshurun, 1909-1911
The Thirteenth Tribe (in ebraico)
Transnationale experience of jewish women in western and central Europe after world war I
Waiting for Righty? An Interpretation of the Political Behavior of American Jews
Walter Rathenau - His judaism and his attitude towards zionism (in ebraico)
Wartime American Orthodoxy and the Holocaust : Mizrahi and Agudat Israel Religious Responses
Where is the new Jerusalem? Modernist yiddish journals in Berlin and Warsaw 1922-1924